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Thank you for your interest in being a vendor at Krayoviy Zdvyh 2024!

Due to phenomenal demand, we have now filled all our

spaces for the Ukrainian Bazaar at Krayoviy Zdvyh 2024!

Thank you to everyone for your support, and we hope that you will

still join us as visitors for Krayoviy Zdvyh on Saturday 6th July!

    a) Refunds in full are available at request, subject to the Ticket Source Customer Purchase Policy (3rd Party Merchant Service)
    a) The following items are banned from the UYA site and event: a. air horns, megaphones, loudspeakers/boomboxes b. fireworks, flares, sky or ‘Chinese’ lanterns c. illegal items, illegal substances, unidentifiable substances, new psychoactive substances (NPS), drugs d. nitrous oxide and associated equipment (balloons/CO2 dispensers/cream dispensers) e. laser equipment/pens, drones, remote controlled items f. spray cans, paint g. tabards/high visibility jackets h. blow torches, gas canisters, aerosols over 250ml, petrol burners i. weapons and/or any item(s) that may reasonably be considered for use as a weapon, or which may cause danger, offence, or disruption to any other person
    a) We advise you to read the full terms and conditions for general admission tickets to the Ukrainian Youth Association in GB (hereafter referred to as the ‘UYA in GB’ or ‘UYA’) Krayoviy Zdvyh 2024 b) We reserve the right to make any changes whatsoever to the event or to performances owing to any unforeseen or unavoidable cause(s) c) No selling or trading is allowed in the venue without prior consent from the UYA in GB d) Tickets bought from unauthorised third parties or ticket touts are invalid e) Audio and visual recording will be taking place throughout the event by authorised UYA volunteers, which will be used across our website, social media platforms and for marketing purposes. You give your express consent to your actual or simulated likeness to be included in any audio or visual recordings to be used in any media at any time f) The UYA in GB has the right to refuse entry to the site should they deem your presence a risk to others
    a) All tickets are non-transferable and are only valid when purchased from Ticket Source or official agents of the UYA b) Tickets must be exchanged for a wristband on first entry at a wristband exchange. No readmission will be allowed without a wristband c) The ticket holder is responsible for their ticket until it is exchanged for a wristband and then responsible for their wristband for the duration of the event d) The UYA will not issue duplicates for lost or stolen tickets e) All wristbands remain the property of the UYA until 12 Noon the day after the last day of the event f) ‘Friday to Sunday’ tickets are valid for entry from 18:00 on Friday 5th July through to 13:00 on Sunday 7th July only g) ‘Saturday day’ tickets are valid for entry to the site from 08:00 to 23:59 on Saturday 6th July only. Any ticket holders found on site after 23:59 on Saturday 6th July will be subject to paying the additional fee(s) for a Saturday to Sunday ticket. h) ‘Saturday to Sunday’ tickets are valid for entry from 08:00 on Saturday 6th July to 13:00 on Sunday 7th July only i) Tickets cannot be used as part of any marketing, media, sales, or giveaway promotions, without the prior written consent of the UYA
    a) Those aged 17 and under (ages 0-17) must be accompanied and supervised by a parent or guardian who is a ticket holder over the age of 18 years b) We recommend writing the phone number of the guardian/parent on the child’s wristband in the case they get lost or separated from their parent or guardian c) We do not accept any parental or supervisory duty of care or liability for any under 18’s on site
    a) Please dispose of all waste using the bins and recycling points provided on site b) No animals, other than assistance animals, are permitted on site
    a) Entry into the car parks is bound by our normal Terms and Conditions of Entry. In addition, please note the following: a. All individuals in a car must have a valid event ticket to gain entry b. The following is not permitted in the car parks: sleeping in vehicles or camping, bonfires, campfires or BBQs, unauthorised entertainment, trading c. We reserve the right to search vehicles, in line with the ‘banned items’ and/or ‘alcohol & drugs’ terms and conditions
    a) The UYA reserves the right to evict a visitor without refund should their behaviour or presence be a risk to staff, volunteers, other visitors or for any other reason b) Anti-social behaviour is not tolerated, and will lead to eviction from the site/event c) You may be body/bag/vehicle searched on entrance and/or when leaving the site/event d) Any person carrying illegal items or carrying out illegal activity will be refused entry or evicted from the site/event e) In all cases where security and public safety are threatened the Police/emergency services will be called by an event/site manager
    a) The UYA is unable to accept any liability for personal or property damages, losses (including confiscations) or injuries sustained at the event b) Cars and other vehicles are parked at the owner’s risk. The UYA accepts no responsibility for any losses or damages to vehicles
    We take a zero-tolerance approach to noise which may disturb our neighbours or other guests. Failure to comply with these rules may result in you being evicted from the site immediately. a) All forms of music in outdoor areas (recorded or live) must be turned off by 11pm b) Staff will complete periodic decibel readings around the site; all requests to turn down music must be obeyed
    a) Excessive amounts of food, cigarettes and/or alcohol may be confiscated b) If you need to bring specific food or drink for personal consumption due to a medical condition, you may be asked for supporting evidence c) Banned from the Main Hall – Cans, audio recorders, large/open drinks bottles over 500ml, personal alcohol (bars are available) d) All confiscated items will not be returned e) The site operates a strict “Challenge 25” policy for alcohol sales. Anyone attempting to purchase alcohol that appears under the age of 25 years old shall be asked to produce a proof-of-age photo ID card, for example a driving license, passport, HM Forces identity card, PASS proof-of-age card. f) Under 18s are not permitted to bring alcohol or purchase alcohol on site g) It is illegal for anyone aged over 18 to purchase alcohol on the behalf of under 18s. Anyone found supplying alcohol to under 18’s will be evicted from the site/event and the Police will be contacted h) The UYA has a zero-tolerance policy to the consumption, possession and dealing of illegal substances (drugs) on the premises. Nonadherence will result in immediate eviction and the Police will be called i) Alcohol purchased from the main hall and any pop-up bars must be consumed within the licensed area, which will be clearly marked with line paint and/or signs
    a) Direct ground fires and bonfires are not permitted anywhere on site b) Please exercise extreme caution if using a BBQ and ensure you adhere to the following: a. BBQs should be either disposable or coal/wood based b. Gas cylinder BBQs are not permitted on site c. BBQs must not be in direct contact with the ground d. BBQ food is for personal consumption only e. It is your responsibility to dispose of spent BBQ ash/coals/wood appropriately and safely in the designated bins f. Non-adherence to any items related to using a BBQ and may result in a BBQ being confiscated and your eviction from the site/event c) Smoking is not permitted in enclosed public spaces or inside buildings d) Please ensure spent cigarettes/cigars are fully extinguished and disposed of responsibly e) Smoke machines, strobe lighting/special effects may take place during some performances f) The use of drones or similar remote-controlled equipment is strictly forbidden
  • Чи можу я вставити зображення, відео або gif у свої поширені запитання?
    Якщо ви плануєте організувати автобус, будь ласка, знайте, що всі пасажири автобуса повинні мати дійсний квиток. Це можна зробити окремо для кожного учасника або масово для організатора автобусу. Паркування автобусів безкоштовне - будь ласка, попередьте нас наперед, якщо ви плануєте організувати автобус. Це дозволить нам запланувати ваш приїзд та забезпечити безпроблемний вхід.
  • Чи будуть квитки доступні на вході?
    У нас обмежена кількість квитків на весь вікенд. Будь-які залишкові квитки з розподілу передпродажу будуть доступні для придбання на вході, проте вони будуть коштувати вище, ніж квитки загального входу, і без знижок. Ми настійно рекомендуємо всім придбати квитки заздалегідь.
  • Чи можу я привезти свій автобус або автодім?
    Так, ви можете привезти свій автодом. Вони будуть направлені до відведеної зони. Проте, будьте уважні, що кількість місць обмежена і розподілятиметься на першому-прийшов, першому-обслуженому принципі. Місце для автобусів або автодомів можна забронювати як додатковий сервіс разом з придбанням квитків.
  • Will tickets be available to purchase on the arrival?
    Yes, the remaining tickets will be available to purchase on arrival at Tarasivka. Please be advised tickets purchased on arrival carry an additional administration charge of £5.00 per ticket.
  • Чи можу я привести свого домашнього улюбленця до Тарасівки?
    У зв'язку з великою кількістю людей, дітей та обладнання, НІЯКІ ТВАРИНИ не допускаються на територію під час Крйового Здвигу. Асистентським тваринам дозволено з повним ідентифікаційними документами. Поблизу Тарасівки є кілька готелів для тварин.
  • Як змінити або видалити заголовок «FAQ»?
    На жаль, під час вихідних немає можливості проживання на території Тарасівки, оскільки це зарезервовано для добровольців на весь вихідний період. Для тих, хто бажає залишитися на ніч, будуть доступні зони для кемпінгу. Кожна особа несе відповідальність за свій власний кемпінговий спорядження. Будь ласка, ознайомтесь з умовами та положеннями.
    All approved traders must have a static pitch from which to trade. Tables and chairs will be provided on the day, should you wish to use any Mobile/roaming traders and fly-pitchers are strictly prohibited Anyone found to be selling products without the authorisation needed will have their items confiscated and may be evicted from the site Your stall place is reserved only when you have completed the registration form and made full payment Payment must be made in full on submission of the form. Payments cannot be made on the day in cash. If you need to cancel your pitch and attendance, we ask you to do so as soon as possible in writing to: If notification to cancel your pitch is not received by 23:59 on Thursday 4 th July, then no refund will be offered No power or water is available in the bazar area. If you have your own power supply, please ensure that this is only used for your pitch. For the safety of our visitors, vehicles are only allowed on the bazar site for unloading/loading between 08:00-09:30 and 18:00-19:00 on Saturday 6 th July. Should you arrive late or close early, your car will not be allowed into the bazar area, and you must plan to carry your items to/from the designated car parks. The bazar area opens at 10:00am on Saturday 6 th July, and closes at 18:00 on Saturday 6th July. For the safety of our visitor’s, all food items must display allergen information and/or you must be able to provide allergen information if asked.
    There are items which are considered inappropriate for sale at Krayoviy Zdvyh, due to being either illegal or against the community nature of the event. The following items are prohibited from being sold at Krayoviy Zdvyh: Any anti-Ukrainian or pro-russian items Cigarettes/e-cigarettes/vapour products/tobacco products or any smoking paraphernalia Alcohol or associated products. Providing alcohol/alcoholic items as prizes for tombola’s is however permitted Firearms, explosives, or weapons: including BB guns, catapults, and slingshots Knives and blades, including domestic knifes Face coverings/hoods Pornography Counterfeit goods Pirated media (includes DVDs) Real fur/caviar/foie gras Some activities and attractions are paid for with exclusive rights. The following activities are prohibited in the bazar area (and across the site) without prior consent from the National Executive Committee of CYM: Any selling of hot food. Wrapped sweets and cakes are acceptable Any selling of drinks Any selling of ice-cream The Krayoviy Zdvyh organisers reserve the right to shut down a stall/pitch that is trading in prohibited items or undertaking prohibited activities.
Vendors Terms and Conditions
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