Hartuis! What’s your name?
Hartuis! My name is Hania and this is my CYM story.
Tell us about your role at CYM
I have several roles in CYM at various levels.
At a local level, I am deputy chair, external affairs officer and a vykhovnyk in my Oseredok Bradford.
At a national level, I am the Holovniy Vykhovnyk for CYM GB. And at international level, I’m a member of Svitova Vykhovna Rada CYM.
Tell us about your experience with CYM
I joined CYM at a very early age and it is where I learnt traditional Ukrainian dances, songs and played in our orchestra in Bradford. It is also where I learnt all about CYM’s history, values and leadership skills, which has all contributed to providing me with the foundation for where I am today.
I support my peers and members of CYM by sharing my knowledge and experience, also by mentoring members to encourage them to educate others to pass on the knowledge of our Ukrainian heritage, traditions and skills to the next generation.
CYM constantly provides me with opportunities to try new things. I have delivered workshop sessions locally, nationally, and internationally, as well as organised competitions, events, displays and commemorations. I find you can be as creative as you want, CYM activities are only limited by your imagination!
What does being part of CYM mean to you?
For me, CYM is a way of life, and its values form a life path. CYM is my global family, where over the years I have forged many lifelong friendships.
CYMivtsi are always ready to help and support others. CYM prepares you for life outside of the organisation, and the educational and cultural programme gives you the opportunity to develop and strengthen your knowledge and leadership skills. Many CYM members that I know, are today leaders of our wider Ukrainian communities and organisations!
Being a CYM member and undertaking volunteering roles can at times be very demanding, but at the same time very rewarding! By helping others and doing good deeds, being part of CYM gives a sense of satisfaction in your achievements, especially when you see the outcome.
Why should more people get involved with CYM?
Being a CYM member provides you with a unique opportunity to work with people not only from all walks of life, but from around the world and across all generations, as being a CYMivets, there are no age barriers, boundaries or constraints, it is an inclusive and lifelong membership!
By joining your local or nearest oseredok you can become involved. Together we can uphold our Ukrainian traditions and culture, take part in sport activities and summer camps, and make lifelong friends, whilst also learning new skills, developing ourselves and helping other members to grow to their potential.
Everyone has the skills, abilities, and ideas that they can contribute to help CYM grow for the future!
“Було б СУМно без СУМу!”
“It would be sad without CYM!”