Our Membership Structure
CYM’s membership are split into 5 groups based on age. Each group has key goals and achievements that shape our organisation and our mission.
Ages 3-6yrs
Our youngest group are called Sumenyata and make up the first group of children within our membership.
The children in this group learn to communicate with other children of the same age.
The activities at this level can be compared to those conducted at reception in schools.
Ages 7-11yrs
At the age of 7 our Sumenyata graduate to become Molodshe Yunatstvo.
It is at this stage in our membership friendships are formed.
Over the next 5 year this group will start to go through our programmes learning about their Ukrainian heritage and culture.
This is done through various activities during our weekly meetings including lessons, entertainment, games, sports and singing.
The children will work towards obtaining three systematic levels of achievement and will prepare children for more advanced aspects of our programme.
Ages 12-17yrs
At the age of 12 our Molodshe Yunatstvo become Starshe Yunatstvo.
Activities at this level are more self-directed, focusing on leadership skills, encouraging them to choose their path or direction in life and develop their abilities under the guidance of older members.
Over these five years, through our programme, Starshe Yunatstvo work towards having a deeper understanding and greater knowledge of our mission.
These members take part in a wide variety of activities working toward obtaining two levels of achievement and even leading activities delivered to younger members.
Ages 18-49yrs
At 18 years of age, members will have completed the youth programme and will become a Druzhynnyk.
They become influential in developing our programme and make decisions on how our Youth Organisation evolves in line with our mission.
Now adults, they become full-voting members of the organisation and can choose the area in which they work within our organisation or the wider Ukrainian Community.
The areas of focus include Educational, Social & Community Work, Arts, Sport and External Relations.
The Druzhynnyk members become mentors and role models to our Molodshi and Starshi Yunatstvo.
Age 50+
Despite our organisation being youth focused, our last grouping of members are called Seniory. They are key to providing advice to our Druzhynnyk group and support them to ensure CYM’s existence.